Your quality source for everything DOG on the border

Prairie K9 Games

Welcome to the FIFTH Annual Prairie K9 Games in 2025! Planned for June 27-28-29-30!

We are here to answer any questions you may have, but here is a general overview:

  • There will be porta-potties on location to use - please don't put poop bags in them - as well as garbage cans and recycling cans around the property.

  • There is no water or power hookups for your camping, but it is free, and just please bring a ground cover for any generators!

  • Check the itineraries below for each event and piece of equipment timing and you can make a schedule that suits your time frames!

  • There will be a food truck on site from morning until evening, and there are restaurants and a dog friendly Motel a 45 minute drive away into Lloydminster

  • There is an online sign up form for all seminars (prepayment is required on signup confirmation) and as to the rest of the events, you simply show up, bring cash (or e transfer) and pay at the front after signing a waiver! You can purchase a $20 punch card, a $50 (6 try it's) one or $100 (12 try it's) ones. Each event will have it's own parameters for try it's. For example, the dock will be 3 minutes per punch. The wall is 3 jumps per punch. The lure is 1 100 yard run, and so on. 

  • There will be vendors who may take e transfer, or cash.

  • We don't need notice that you're coming unless you’re wanting to do a seminar which are limited and pre entry only, and if you are registered for a seminar you will receive an email 1 week before with further details regarding your specific event! Trials run by clubs will also send you further details regarding their events!

Photographers for 2025: Gray Hound Photography for the indoor NADD event, Eleanor Walker Photography for the CKC Sanctioned sprinters and Red Shot Images for the entire rest of the event! Visit their pages here:

Eleanor Walker Photography

Gray Hound Photography


A Special Thanks to our sponsors 2024

It began in June 2021…

The 2021 - Prairie K9 Games Archive

FOR 2021 PRAIRIE K9 GAMES PHOTOS CLICK HERE ~ Digital Files can be purchased for $10 or 3/$25 ~